Posts in Category: apps

Whatsapp group calling

WhatsApp Group Calling Feature Out!

All the rumours on Whatsapp group calling feature are True and Whatsapp group calling features coming with both video and voice support. The new Whatsapp feature is now available to all Android and iOS users around the world. In Annual F8 developer conference, Facebook has announced a group calling feature.

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AR (AUGMENTED REALITY) - The Next Evolution in Smartphones

AR (AUGMENTED REALITY): The Next Evolution in Smartphones

After the grand success of the Augmented reality game – Pokemon Go, everyone is suddenly interested in this technology. The fact is that AR was introduced into the market way before the Virtual reality came into light. But somehow it did not make it into the light.

What is AR? “Augmented

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5 Most Underrated apps

5 Most Underrated But Amazing Android Apps

There are hundreds of new android apps added to the Play Store everyday. They are some insanely cool apps which are great at what they promise to do. But all of them aren’t noticed, are they? Well, in this blog post you will see the top 5 underrated Android apps.


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How to Protect Your Kids From Risky Apps

How to Protect Your Kids From Risky Apps

With more and more of the internet taking over the world, the risk associated with it also increases. The number smartphone users under the age of 13 has increased at a tremendous rate in the past few years. Kids are learning to use a smartphone and a laptop at the

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How to do Banking Safely on Smartphone

How to do Banking Safely on Smartphone

The world is going mobile and with that came the great revolution of internet banking. Well, many of you fear to perform an online transaction due to the fear of theft of data(card details) and intern your money. We have listed out a few important points that will help you

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