What Happens in the Laptop Refurbishing Process?

Refurbished Laptop

Of late, many of us have heard the word ‘refurbished’ associated with electronic devices like laptops and smartphones. The feasibility of refurbished laptops online purchase is not hard to understand. In the current scenario, where everything is online, owning a device has become a necessity. And buying a new high-end device may not be a viable option for many of us. So the best thing is to go for refurbished laptops or desktop.

So what is a refurbished device? Most of us may say it’s an electronic item that sellers would repair and sell as new. But the USP doesn’t stop at that one trait. When you buy a refurbished electronic, it is always a quality product that has been checked thoroughly by a competent seller.

But what do they check?

How do they uphold the quality of the device?

What makes these refurbished devices such a hot favourite among cost conscious buyers?

Let’s see what happens behind the scenes, to appreciate the effort that goes into tagging a device as refurbished.

The steps in refurbishing a laptop 

A hardly used pre-owned device can be classified as a refurbished laptop. The machine has to undergo some essential changes and tests to come back into the market once again. It is here that the refurbishment process emerges with the below steps.

1 – Initial checking of cores and components

When a device comes for refurbishing, the technician will examine it thoroughly. All the externals, as well as internals, are carefully studied for signs of damage or malfunction. After this, he undertakes the process of rectification if any.

The device undergoes a cleaning. He removes all signs of outer or cosmetic defects . He will replace any irreparable part with new components.

2 – Sanitizing of the components

The technician cleans the outer part of the device to make it appear new. He also removes all kind of marks or stickers from the surface using a fixed spray. On the inside, he uses air blowers to remove dust from the cooling fan, ducts, casing, and every inner part of the laptop.

3 – The Wiping of Data

It is an essential part of the refurbishing process to wipe the data from the hardware. It is the step that prevents the passing of confidential data to the new buyer. Professional Data wiping is a principle to be strictly followed for refurbished laptops online.

4 – Fixing, replacing, and re-fixing  

Not all laptops or PCs need repairs, fixes, and replacements. A technician will carry out this step only if the device has a certain part that is damaged or missing. As the device has been dismantled for checking and cleaning, it must be back in place now with re-fixing or assembling. Assembling is addressed in this stage.

5 – Stringent quality test and controls

A device has to be checked quality-wise before coming back on the shelf. After going through so many processes, the device must perform to its full capacity. The quality control checks assure the buyer of the performance features of CPU, RAM, etc.. It is vital to get a refurbished computer for sale that looks and works like new.

6 – The finishing touches

 A final touch comes about with the accessories, software licences, and warranty. A trusted reseller will always provide a warranty on their refurbished laptop online purchase, just like you get with a brand new product.

Get your refurbished laptops online from a trustworthy seller

So now, when you are buying a refurbished laptop, you know that you are buying a reliable device, saving money, and helping the planet – all with one stroke.

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