Refurbished Mobile Phones

Sell Used Mobiles at a Value Based on These Factors

The craze for upgrading smartphones is surreal among enthusiasts. And since a smartphone is termed outdated a few weeks after its release, it is common to see people waiting for the new, upgraded version every few months. 

But again, we all know that new smartphones can cost a fortune. So, the

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What You Should Know Before Buying Refurbished mobile

What You Should Know Before Buying a Refurbished mobile?

Besides food, clothing and shelter, mobile phones have become a basic necessity for the modern-day person. In fact, a smartphone with data plays a vital role in shaping one’s behavior and enables decision making for purchases or subscriptions. 

However, brand new mobiles do not always fall under the customer’s budget. This

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The state of recommerce market

The State of Re-commerce Market: Future of Consumer Tech

The re-commerce market is driven by improvements, grading, repairs, and online or offline sales. If the trends are to be studied, recommence industry is growing manifold. There is every possibility that re-commerce may leave the retail market far behind in the race. As more and more millennials are inching towards

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how long does refurbished iphone last

Buying a Refurbished iPhone? See How Long They Last

As an upmarket device, the iPhone is ubiquitous with luxury and affluence. No wonder that smartphone owners consider an iPhone a device worthy of holding in their hands.

If they get the same functionality and features at a fraction of the cost, then it turns out to be a blockbuster

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Refurbished Laptop

What Happens in the Laptop Refurbishing Process?

Of late, many of us have heard the word ‘refurbished’ associated with electronic devices like laptops and smartphones. The feasibility of refurbished laptops online purchase is not hard to understand. In the current scenario, where everything is online, owning a device has become a necessity. And buying a new high-end

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