Invasive New App to Spy on WhatsApp Buddies – Chatwatch

Tech Tips: How to make the most of Whatsapp on your refurbished Mobile | Budli

WhatsApp is the world’s most used messenger app with almost every smartphone user having an active account. WhatsApp has brought people closer! This is what most of the users say but do you really think so? Just like any other thing in life, WhatsApp also has a good side and a bad side. For all the people who would want to see if their loved ones are faithful or not, it can be done through WhatsApp despite having privacy.

In this post, I’ll make a note of the app which can be used against you or by you to spy on other WhatsApp users.

If you are a frequent WhatsApp user, then it is important for you to know that the service lets your contacts know when you are available to chat even if you don’t respond to their messages. Recently, Lifehacker has spotted a new iOS app called Chatwatch which uses WhatsApp’s public online or offline feature to inform the users how often your friends are online and it estimates how long they stay active and can also estimate the time they go to bed each day.

Here is an interesting feature, this app can correlate data on two contacts and determine (choose to guess) if they have been talking to each other. Now there will be no ammunition to be provided that you maintain a low profile in messaging apps and you can respond or chat on your own terms. It’s rather alarming that people in your contacts keep tabs on you this way.

The company reveals that even if a user has disabled the last seen, this app will still be able to spy on the user’s activity. As of now, there are no proper results as the app is still in its testing phase. The app actually requires 24 hours of time before it generates any insights of someone’s activity.

The feature of revealing how often your friends are available on the messaging app was a great hit as far as the company had tested through a quick trial on a few devices. It is possible to check if a WhatsApp user is online or not by simply initiating a conversation with them (no messages need to be sent for this to work). Chatwatch’s system of automating this process of checking on users and aggregating data to deliver insights is absolutely possible.

All of us could just hope that WhatsApp comes up with better privacy settings which could break down the Chatwatch’s functionality. If this app comes out then everybody’s privacy would be at stake. For you to have the latest updates on the privacy of apps you need to have the latest smartphone. Buying new device every time is not the most suggested option, instead, you can upgrade it and the best place to do so is Budli is the leading online store for refurbished electronic gadgets which has a wide range of gadgets to offer. Budli provides greats deals through which you can easily upgrade to a new device by saving a few bucks. Why wait? Just log in to now.

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